Wir stehen zusammen!

Pro, CHL // Friday, 21.08.2015

The Clan is here!

Welcome, Braehead Clan! The Scottish team has arrived this Friday in Ingolstadt, preparing itself for the game on Saturday (7.30 p.m., Saturn Arena - tickets availilbe in front of the game at the ticket shop at Entrance North).
The Purple Army has followed its team to Ingolstadt - greetings to all the travelers! To connect with Ingolstadtinians, we have arranged a Scottish-Bavarian fan-fest starting Saturday - we are sure you will enjoy it. It is a mix between our two cultures: starting off at 11 a.m. with delicious Bavarian sausages, the traditional breakfast of the people here and games to try all evening long.
We hope, you have brought your Kilt - there will be Bavarians, too, in their traditional clothes with a parade at 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Afterwards, DJ Harry Doyle drops the perfect party sound. At 4 p.m., there will be a showevent of Highland games - the highlight of the evening.

The highlight of the night: The game between ERC Ingolstadt and Braehead Clan. Ready for faceoff!


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