Wir stehen zusammen!

Pro, Fans // Monday, 06.08.2018

The boys are back!

Back at full strength: The Panther-team for 2018/19 now is assembled in Ingolstadt. The proven forces like Coach Doug Shedden, leader Dustin Friesen and star defender Ville Koistinen arrived in the last couple of days. Welcome also to the players who came to Ingolstadt for the first time! (Pictures available on our Instagram-channel).

The team has its medical check-up at Passauer Wolf City-Reha and Klinikum Ingolstadt in the next days, also fitness tests and photo shootings are set. The first official on-ice pratice will be on Saturday, 11th of August. There will be a big season opening party on that day aside Saturn-Arena. Free entrance.


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Foto: Stefan Bösl / kbumm

Mo, 13.08.2018 // Pro, Fans

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